
Pieced Together Family

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Pieced Together Family

Flipping through her journal, Cat’s eyes caught fragments of earlier entries, “Today Dad started drinking again,”, “…hit me,”, and “gained a bruised arm and hip.” Wincing as she reached for her pen, Cat found the page where she left off, then started scribing slowly, arm throbbing from recent injuries.
“Today, he started thinking about Mom again. When I got home from school, he was already drunk and grieving for Mom. When he first saw me, he asked, ‘Elaine? Is that you? I knew you’d come back for me!’ but soon he started sobbing, ‘You left me all alone in this world. Why? Why!’
“After this breakdown, Dad’s fury grew over his abandonment and he started to attack me. I know he’s wrong, though. Mom was always nice.”
I’m sorry Dad, but if I could change, I promise you I wouldn’t look anything like Mom.
As Cat’s anger at her father grew, she started writing furiously, forgetting all pain as it was blinded by raw emotion. As Cat wrote more and more, a plan began to formulate in her mind and she thought of the stash of cash she kept hidden in her favorite book.
I don’t care if he tries to track me down. Anywhere would be better than to stay here “at home” and enduring daily beatings. Using my money, I could buy a ticket on the train, and go to New York City. Dad always hated New York and it isn’t that far from Jersey City, and there would be enough people there to make it hard to find me…
Cat’s mind raced as she began planning her escape and how she could leave as soon as tomorrow night.

The next night, Cat was filled with adrenaline and nervousness over what she was going to do. Shaking her head to clear out all negative thoughts, Cat reached for her bag, which she had packed the previous day with her essentials- basically, clothes, money, and as much food Cat could steal from the pantry without her dad noticing. Creeping out of her room, Cat stalked down the hallway.
Suddenly, the door opened and Cat quickly yanked her bag behind her back as she pushed back into the wall. Her heart beating wildly, Cat watched as her dad emerged from his room. When he stumbled and cursed loudly, Cat could tell that her father hadn’t passed up the drinking tonight. With his alcoholically enhance anger, if he saw her, he would probably blow up. Her mind raced as she calculated the possibility of her father finding her and preventing her escape.
“Mmrph…Is that you, Cat?” He murmured.
At least he got the name right this time. “Umm, yeah, Dad.”
“What are you doing so late,” he demanded.
“I’m just going to the bathroom,” Cat tried to calm her father down in a comforting tone.
“Fine, but you better go to sleep right after, okay?” His slurred threat was masked as parental concern.
Cat quickly slid through the bathroom door and leaned against it as she willed her heart to slow down and allow her brain to think. With her father downstairs, she couldn’t risk sneaking out the door.
Looking out the window, Cat realized that climbing down the tree outside the house was her only solution. Pulling the straps of her bag onto her shoulders, Cat took a deep breath, steadying herself. After she was ready, Cat quietly slid the window open and stuck her head out to see the tree. Pushing her leg through the window, Cat reached the tree and stuck her arms out to hold on as she swung her other leg on. Once fully on the branch, Cat took several calming breaths, trying to relax. Careful not to look at the ground, Cat felt for the lower branch and slowly clambered down. With one branch passed, Cat suppressed a happy cheer.
Suddenly, her foot slipped, and Cat was falling through the branches. She wildly flailed her arms about, attempting to grab hold of a branch. Seconds later, Cat was holding on to a branch with all her strength. Cat looked down, and through her dizzying vision, she saw that she was holding onto the last branch and all that was between her and the ground was seven or so feet of air. Steadying her breath, Cat tried to sum up enough courage to let go. Quickly, she let go of the branch and bent her knees to lessen the shock of impact.
Landing quietly on the ground with her legs bent and crouching down, Cat stood up and then quickly started running off, heading out to the street. She stuck out her thumb, wanting to hitchhike to the train station.

Brushing the lying trash from the ground, Cat winced at the thought of having to sleep in such an unsanitary place. However, if the alternative was back home, she would openly embrace her new bed. Wrapping herself up in a blanket before settling down, Cat tried to empty her mind of all thoughts about her new sleeping arrangements. Attempting to fall asleep, Cat envisioned a dream with the perfect family. Smiling dreamily at the promise that was not to be, Cat slowly drifted off.
The next morning, Cat awakened to the noise of the nearby market starting up. Scents of delicious food drifted to her nose, stirring up dreads of hunger in her stomach. A buzz of conversations led Cat to the market.
After tedious touring and scouring, Cat finally bought her food. Then, sitting on a nearby bench, Cat slowly chewed her bread, savoring the flavor. As frissons of berry danced across her tongue, Cat mulled over what to do. In the end, Cat decided she would travel from market to market, asking for work she could use to support herself. Gathering up her items, Cat started out on a quest for a job.

Jim Norton arrived at work to find his redhead partner, Nikky Greene, waiting for him.  Bracing himself, he inquired about the folder she was holding.
“How bad?”
Grimacing, she replied, “Cat Donohov, short for Catherine, ran away two nights ago. She fits the standard for ‘The Trafficker,’” using the name coined for the abductor of Allison McKenzie and several other child laborers.
“Well, I don’t think she’d be snatched up so quickly.”
“Neither do I, but we could prevent this one from ever entering the human traffic.”
“Yes…We could, but we need more info first,” Norton slowly replied.
“Exactly why we need to continue work on the cases of ‘The Trafficker’ victims to learn more,” Nikky pushed about the topic she had debated for days. Norton wasn’t so sure they could find The Trafficker and didn’t want to be stuck with an impossible case.
“Well…” He hesitated, and then reluctantly agreed, “Fine. We can start by asking around to see if anybody has seen one of the children, and where.”
“I’ll go get pictures of the children.” In her mind, Nikky silently cheered over one obstacle overtaken.

As Cat paid for her lunch, she thought of her dwindling money, reminding her of the need for job.
Politely, she asked the woman behind the table of food, “Hello, ma’am. Do you need help? I’ll work for just room and board.”
The merchant sadly shook her head. She did say, however, that others might need help. Quickly, Cat proceeded to question others.
Forty-five minutes later, Cat had learned that no jobs were needed now. However, not one to be defeated, she boarded other buses to reach the next closest market. There, she would continue her quest for a job, determined to be newly employed by the end of the day.

Cat watched the sun quickly setting in despair. All day, she had searched, resolved she would have a paying job when night fell, but apparently there were no open spots. Businesses in markets were family operated and had no need for foreign outsiders. Grudgingly trailing to an alley where she could sleep, Cat tried thinking of a new plan. While she was deep in thought, she heard a voice call out to her.
“Hey, little girl!”
She whirled around and spotted a scraggly man with unkempt greasy hair dressed in large coats. Scared, Cat started to walk faster, not yet breaking into a full run, afraid he would chase after her. As her heart beat out an inconsistent rhythm, Cat could hear the blood rushing in her ears, filling her with fear.
Even with her long runner’s legs, Cat could still hear the footfalls of her pursuer.  Sharply rounding a corner, Cat tried to squeeze herself past carts of food and in between remaining shoppers. Spotting another alley to the right, Cat swiftly shifted her direction again, attempting to throw off her extra shadow.  
Running down the narrow path, a cry of despair escaped Cat’s mouth as she noticed the upcoming brick wall. Realizing she couldn’t go any further, Cat whirled around to see her pursuer approaching quickly. Her mind tired to calculate a possible getaway, but she realized that the narrow path she had hoped to be too tight a squeeze for her pursuer made it impossible to sneak by. Suddenly, her follower loomed in front of her and a hand carrying a cloth crept closer as the smell of pungently sweet ether invaded her senses. Cat fought fiercely as black overcame her mind.

When Cat regained consciousness, she opened her eyes to find a big warehouse cast in shadows. As her eyes adjusted to the little light, she saw that a group of children were huddled around her. Cat stared up into a foreign face. The boy seemed a year or two older than her and around him were two younger children, a boy and a girl. The girl was about seven years old and the boy five.
“Is she gonna be okay?” The girl asked the oldest.
“Yes, I think she is, but leave her alone for now, Sarah, until she feels better.”
“Is she gonna be our new sister?” The little boy inquired.
“I don’t know, Tommy. Ask her later.”
As Cat stared at the strangers, she attempted to sit up.
“Oh, she’s awake!” The little boy said gleefully as the girl clapped her hands and cheered.
Cat was finally able to pull her body up, but swayed as dizziness swirled around her. Sensing her weakness, the older boy stuck his arms out to support her as her feeble body fell.
“Careful, now. You may need to wait awhile before trying to get up.”
However, Cat, not one to give up easily, attempted to support herself on one elbow as she examined the new faces. “Who are you?” She managed to sputter out.
“Well, I’m David, she’s Sarah, and this little buddy,” hoisting up the little boy in his arms, “would be Tommy.”
“My name’s Cat. What is this place like?”
“It’s okay, but now it’s gonna be funner with you!” Sarah beamed.
“Oh, be quiet. How do you know she’s even going to like you?” David shushed the adorable girl.
Watching the girl’s disappointed face, Cat jokingly replied, “Oh, no. Actually, I think we’re going to be best friends.”
As Sarah’s face lit up, Cat felt a fuzzy feeling in her chest expand.

“Have you seen any of these girls?” Nikky held up five photographs of different children. As the man shook his head no, she let out a sigh of exasperation and Norton and she went on to other people. All day, the two of them had been questioning people in the area surrounding Cat’s house.
Ringing the bell of yet another house, the door opened and a young man, about late twenties, welcomed them into his house.
After pleasantries were exchanged, Norton settled down on the couch, Nikky next to him, and the young couple across.
“We’re very sorry to bother you, Mr. and Mrs. Fanté. However, recently, a girl has gone missing. She was from around here, and we were wondering if you’ve seen her.” Handing over a picture of Cat, Norton watched the couple’s expressions.
Gasping, Charlize Fanté exclaimed, “Oh dear! This is the sweet little girl to whom we gave a ride. Remember, Steve?”
Norton’s gaze slid over Steve Fanté as he nodded his recognition. “Yes, we gave a ride to her. She’d told us that she needed a ride to the train station because she was visiting her mom in New York. “
Exchanging looks with Nikky, Norton knew they were thinking the same thing. Mrs. Donohov had passed away years ago. Cat must’ve lied to the couple, but her destination was probably New York City.
Thanking the couple, Norton and Nikky left on their way to New York City.

Over the past month, Cat had become part of the odd family of three. Being with her new family was wonderful, unlike being stuck in this warehouse. Everyone was fed only twice a week and a child was taken once a week. While nobody outright said it, everybody was thinking the same thing. Something bad happened to the missing children, something bad enough to cause them to disappear.
Although human trafficking was always something Cat had read about in the newspaper, it never seemed real to her. It was too cruel to understand, but now it was all too real.  
Recently, Cat had caught a cold, and in her weak state, it was much tougher on her than it normally would be. A huge cough had her bent over as her body shook with tremors. Suddenly, all went completely quiet except for Cat’s remaining wheezes. Quieting herself, Cat strained her ears to listen to the voice requesting another child, praying it wasn’t her.
“I need Sarah,” a quiet voice commanded.
Cat’s blood chilled as she turned around to glance at her new sister. The little girl’s ashen face was frozen in fear. Heartbroken, Cat grasped at Sarah and held her in a tight embrace as she wiped away the girl’s tears.
“Sarah, Sarah, baby. Listen to me,” Cat whispered to Sarah.
Through wet streaming tears, Sarah nodded.
“Do whatever the man tells you or else you may get hurt, okay?  Promise me.”
“I promise, Cat. I promise.”
Watching the girl go must’ve been the hardest thing Cat had ever done. Swallowing a lump in her throat, Cat felt David grasp her shoulder and she turned toward him. Collapsing into his chest in a flurry of tears, Cat sobbed for her lost sister.

“Damn it!” Nikky punched her fist against the car in frustration.
“Hey, it’s alright. We’re gonna find her, Nikky,” Norton said in a soothing voice.
“How can you be so sure? Thousands of children disappear every year and are never found. How will we find this one?”
“I won’t stop until I do,” Norton vowed.
Stepping away from the car, Norton watched Nikky as they approached a market. These past months, Nikky had been too overworked and strung tight with apprehension over Cat Donohov. Hopefully, Cat had stopped by this market, and they would have a lead.
Approaching a kind looking lady, Norton flashed his badge and the two of them started asking questions.
“Hello, ma’am. We were just wondering if you could help us. Have you seen this girl recently?”
“Hmm,” the woman squinted at the photograph, “Yeah, I’ve seen her. A month and a half ago, she came around asking if anyone was employing.”
“Thank you very much. If you have more information later, don’t hesitate to contact us.” Norton handed over a business card.
Nikky and Norton walked away, continuing their search for information. Nearing a vendor further down the street, Norton and Nikky inquired yet again about Cat.
“Hey, I’ve seen that girl. She was carried by a man into there,” the man pointed in the direction of several nondescript buildings.
“Thank you for your cooperation.” Quickly, Norton and Nikky headed toward the warehouses.

Another cough shook Cat’s body. David’s hand gently pushed her down onto a makeshift bed of jackets as he tried to soothe her. The cold she had caught earlier had gotten past her weak immune system. Deprived of food, the sickness had quickly taken over.
David hoped that somebody would discover them soon so that a doctor could attend to Cat. Otherwise, David was afraid the cold would continue developing and Cat wouldn’t make it.

Nikky glanced at Norton’s indecipherable expression as they searched. Starting with the warehouses hidden in the back, Nikky and Norton had been searching for hours, attempting to find the missing children.
Noticing a warehouse with all the windows, Nikky found this odd and motioned to Norton, who had already started moving. Reaching the warehouse, Norton knocked loudly on the wall, attracting the attention of anyone who may have been in there.
Trying to quiet the loud beating of her heart, Nikky strained to hear a response from inside. At first, it was all quiet. Then, faint responding knocks came through.

“David, David, look! Something’s happening there!” Tommy pulled on the sleeve of David’s shirt.
“Tommy, why don’t you go check out what’s happening, then come back and tell us? You can be our messenger,” David tried to listen to Tommy while worrying over Cat.
“Okay, I’ll be right back!”
After a few minutes, Tommy quickly ran back and reported, “David! Sammy said Renee heard a knock against the wall. She knocked back and somebody knocked again. He shouted that he’s gonna help us outta here and he’s the police!”
Stunned, David was unsure what to make of the news. Waking Cat up, David gently shook her and said, “Cat, we’re gonna get out of here. I told you we would.”
With David supporting her, Cat sat up and watched the little children dance near the wall. Suddenly, light flooded throughout the warehouse, temporarily blinding everyone. A man and woman stepped into the warehouse.
“Is Cat here? Cat Donohov?” The woman called out.
“Yes! Over here!” David shouted out, eager to get Cat some help.
Just as the detectives reached them, Cat drifted into unconsciousness with a faint smile across her lips.

story that i had written last year for a required writing assignment
warning: really really long
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